That cure psoriasis in the body?

That cure psoriasis in the body

The scientists point out that, in recent years, the psoriasis on the body is more common than before. The disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the process, is accompanied by important defeats of the skin red rashes in the form of plaques and papules. Unfortunately, to completely get rid of the disease, no one can. That is a day, the disease seeks the person a lifetime, periodically flaring up with new force. That cure psoriasis in the body and of the means that you apply we will examine them in detail.

The feature of the pathology is its individual character, and the fact that every patient with psoriasis manifests itself differently. Often, the causes of the outbreak remain unresolved, and all that is left to do to the medical – guide efforts in the reduction of the symptoms of the pathology.

What is psoriasis and why does it occur

The disease refers to non-communicable diseases related to epidermolysis. Due to the different circumstances of the person may be affected by the normal process of cell division in the skin. The man in the normal state of the update of the layer of the dermis passes for 25-30 days. When psoriasis this period may be reduced to 5 days. This process causes the loss of the links between the cells of the skin, occurs your to prevent hardships, stratification and exclusion. In the epidermis of the skin begin to appear the plaques and papules, are usually bright red or pink in color.

Of which appears psoriasis on the body? Scientists can not give a clear answer to the causes of the development of psoriasis. None of the existing theories has not been approved, and officially has not been demonstrated. There are only hypothesis, on the basis of which you can identify some of the causes of the disease. So, from that receives the psoriasis on the body, search for the following:

  • the violation of the processes of change of the dermis and throughout the body in general;
  • the instability in the hormonal status. Can occur because of an infringement of the work of the organs of the endocrine system;
  • hypothermia and the frequency of infectious diseases;
  • the weakening of the immunity;
  • the frequent mechanical damage, as well as the influence of the chemical means;
  • often, rashes can occur in the background of the psychosomatic disorder;
  • the consumption of alcohol and some of drugs and much more.
Stages and symptoms of psoriasis

Stages and symptoms of psoriasis

The manifestations of the disease always depend on the stages of the flow of the pathology. Later on we will examine the main stages in the course of the disease, as well as the characteristic symptoms for each of them.

The stage of

So called the form of the disease in the case of his first manifestation, or the next time the acute. For this phase characterized by the emergence of a large number of psoriatic spots increase in size and are accompany of a strong inflammation. Also present is unbearable itching sensation, skin, pains in the take-off. The patient experiences a strong feeling of discomfort.

The phase of hospitalization

Here the plate is formed with a lower intensity, however, about the purification of the skin voice is not going. Eruptions carry the sick to the same discomfort, the itching, the skin is irritable and painful. Papules continue to rise and mingle in a big focus of the injury. The plate densely covered with whitish scales.

The stage of regression

Also in this phase is called phase of healing. The growth of papules is stopped, the skin begins to be cleaned. The redness of the skin, demonstrating that the reduction of the inflammation. It is very important to improve the condition of the patient not to suspend the treatment. Here, all efforts are directed to the prevention of recidivism and the full recovery of the epidermis.

Types of diseases, such as the one in the photo as you see the psoriasis on the body

Types of pathology quite. Each one has its own characteristics and the severity of the rupture of the disease. Hereinafter, let's see the main types of psoriasis in the body.

Tabula informibus psoriasis

One of the most common types of the disease. It is found in over 80% of all patients. Another of their common names, or vulgar psoriasis. Features of the demonstrations is education in the body spots, act on the surface of the skin of a few millimeters. Have a red or pink color and coat with white or gray scales. The affected skin with a desire and is easily damaged.


The foci of the defeat are irregularly in the form of drops. This type can manifest in any area of the skin of adults and adolescents. The size of spending can be very varied, ranging from the size of a pea, to very large eruptions, the size of an egg. In the initial phase of platelet may be little, but with the development of the disease their number increases. Little by little the rash can protect the whole body.

Reverse (psoriasis of flexural areas)

Outwardly psoriatic rashes milder than in other species. Scaling in this way does not exist or is expressed minimally. The location of the platelets mainly in the folds of the skin. Other parts of the body are not affected. Often the rash appears in the armpits, in the groin, the women under the breast, in the inner part of the thighs. It worsens the course of the disease in the summer, since it is an active work of the sweat glands. The sweat causes a favourable environment for the pathogenic organisms.


It is the most serious of the views of the disease. When this in the body of the patient appear bubbles of clear liquid, which protrudes above the surface of the skin of a few millimeters. These blisters are called pustules, hence the name. The skin on the ground of the appearance of the rash be red, swollen, and painful. Usually, the pustules are located in the upper and lower extremities, in more severe cases, rashes can spread throughout the body, melting into a big focus of the injury.

Psoriasis of the nails

In the medical practice of this kind are called onihodistrofiya. Here are surprised nail plate, with their subsequent distortion and detachment of the body of a finger. The disease spreads rapidly in the health of nails and skin. In case of a bad treatment or lack of it, the scars can remain a lifetime.

Erythrodermic psoriasis

The main symptom of this kind is the separation of the affected areas of the skin, strong as to prevent hardening of the skin epidermis, inflammation of the dermis and its layers. Here are also present symptoms such as itching, edema, scaling, redness and the development of the inflammatory process.

Often, when this way you can see the infections of the blood, which leads to a serious situation of the patient and even death.

Psoriatic arthritis

In addition to rashes on the body of the pathology, which involves inflammation of the joints. The patient has severe pain in the area of the joints and the muscles. Often suffer from the fingers of the hands and lower extremities. Phalanx can increase in size and as if the swelling. The delay in the treatment of the disease causes often disability.

Basic principles of treatment of psoriasis on the body

Then, what is the treatment for psoriasis on the body? Often, the therapy of the disease begins with the application of the funds destined to the local application. Special medications in the form of ointments, creams, lotions, and sprays are put on the skin in the field of the defeats. When the milder forms of the disease used the different medications, when the most severe forms it is recommended to apply the medicine combined action.

The bark rough skin, doctors recommend the elimination of special for the mitigation of the creams. Ointment on psoriasis in the body to put thick layers, which promotes the relaxation of a Hot layer of the dermis, to your easy solution.

Assign a remedy for psoriasis on the body and medications in case of the pathology should be exclusively medical. Often the specialists apply in practice, hormonal, non-hormonal ointments as well as medications together with vitamin d3.

Basic principles of treatment of psoriasis on the body

Along with the treatment with the help of synthetic media, they often use methods such as ultrasound treatment. In the medical practice of this type of treatment is still known as the treatment of light. This procedure is quite safe and effective.

When the scalp psoriasis is also apply to medicinal shampoos, gels and masks. Dealing with the disease of streaks, very hard, as hair are an obstacle to the penetration of the treatment components.

The use of drugs

Remedy for psoriasis on the body must be exclusively allocated to a specialist. Self-medication is not valid. The patient can easily be confused psoriasis with any other skin of the disease and cure is not what they need.

Medication for psoriasis on the body is divided into the following groups:

  1. The corticosteroids. These tools have a powerful effect, however, its major drawback is the set of side effects. These should be used strictly on prescription.
  2. Medications with vitamin d3 in the composition. Vitamins are necessary in the treatment of this disease. The saturation of the body with magnesium, zinc, potassium helps to restore the immunity and help the healing of the skin.
  3. Tar medications. This product enters into the composition of soaps, shampoos, ointments, and gels. To get rid of the disease, used juniper, pine and birch coal.
  4. The complications arising from the application of the resources is not enough. In such cases, doctors introduced in the course of phototherapy treatment, a laser treatment and other types of physical therapy.

    The role of traditional medicine

    Later we will see how to cure psoriasis on the body of the methods. To this end, we use ointments homemade and different media, to herbal. Let's look at a few effective recipes that cure psoriasis in the body of the house.

    Flax seeds for skin cleaning

    For the preparation of medicines, should be placed in a flask of 1 l 2 tablespoons of flax seeds and the bay of boiling water, close the lid securely. Its infusion mixture should be not less than 10 hours. Use the dye you need for the morning and evening with empty stomach.

    Flax seeds for skin cleaning

    The treatment of soda

    The affected skin is recommended to clean 5-6 times a day, for the normal solution of sodium bicarbonate. To do this, in a glass of warm water should dissolve 2 teaspoons of baking soda. In solution it is necessary to humidify a disc and carefully to process the plates.

    Poultice of onion

    For the preparation of medicines you should be taking a bow and grind finely. The mixture is wrapped in gauze, and come close to the 20-30 minutes to their homes in defeat. The course of treatment should continue until the cleansing of the skin.

    The psoriasis treatment of the body of a process long and complex. The success can achieve, only that he shared with his health, with the due attention and doing the necessary efforts.